History of electret research; survey of physical properties
Electric fields, forces, and currents; charging and polarizing methods (forming methods); triboelectricity, contact electrification; methods for measuring charge density; methods for measuring charge distributions; methods for discriminating between polarization and real charges; permanent dipole polarization and real-charge storage
Mechanisms responsible for TSD; experimental techniques; methods for unraveling the discharge processes; applications of TSD; theory of current TSD by dipole disorientation; theory of current TSD by the self-motion of charges; evaluation of TSD current data; current TSD and dielectric measurements; current TSD arising from the detrapping of charges; some illustrative results of current TSD of heterocharged; electrets; current TSD of heterogeneous systems; disorientation; theory and practice of charge TSD; TSD of thin films and semiconductor devices; analysis of charge detrapping by other techniques; review of information obtainable from TSD; conclusions and prospects
Radiation-induced conductivity; general features of excess-charge transport; electron beam charging; charge diagnostics by transient analysis; gamma-beam charging; dosimetry
Thermodynamic definitions; physical description of an electret; symmetry and tensor components; structure; properties of semicrystalline polymers; measurements and data; dipole model applied to semicrystalline polymers
Electrets in biomaterials and biopolymers; General concepts in electret research; other dielectric techniques complementary to TSD; proteins; bound water (structured water or biowater); polysaccharides and polynucleotides; enzymes; thermally stimulated pressure and bound water; bone; artificial biomaterials; biomedical applications; natural electrets
Electret transducers; electrophotography; electrostatic recording; electret air filters; electret motors and generators; electret dosimeters; piezoelectric polymer transducers; pyroelectric polymer devices
Physical principles; thermally stimulated discharge of electrets; radiation effects; piezo-, pyro-, and ferroelectric properties; polymer electrets; bioelectrets; applications
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