Time and use continue to validate the importance of this classic. This 1966 reference book is a compilation of some of the most important plasma physics measurements published during the late 50s and 60s. Over 300 pages of hard to find information essential to using or understanding gaseous conduction and breakdown. It offers a wealth of useful information on elastic-collision and charge-transfer cross sections, mobility and diffusion, electron attachment and detachment, and recombination. Numerous fundamental principles make this a much-consulted handbook on the physical phenomena, measurements, and properties of plasma physics.
Elastic Collision Cross Sections@ Probability of Elastic Collision Between Electrons and Gas Atoms:Probability of Elastic Collision for Ions with Gas Atoms:Charge Transfer Cross Sections; Diffusion and Mobility@ Diffusion:Electron Mobility:Ionic Mobility:Average Energy of Electrons:Ambipolar Diffusion:Transition Diffusion:Ambipolar Diffusion with Variable Ion Mobility:Inelastic Collisions of Electrons@ Currents at Low Fields:Probability of Excitation:Probability of Ionization:The First Ionization Coefficient:Diffusion- Controlled Breakdown@ High-Frequency Breakdown:Effects of a Superimposed Magnetic Field:Cyclotron Resonance Method for Determining Collision Cross Sections:Electron Attachment@ Attachment Coefficients:Attachment to Impurities:Diffusion and Attachment Combined:Breakdown Controlled by Electron Attachment; Recombination@ Ion-Ion Recombination:Electron-Ion Recombination:Experimental Determinations of Recombination:Secondary Electron Emission by Electrons@ Metal Surfaces:Insulators:Breakdown Controlled by Secondary Electron Emission@ Secondary Electron Resonance Breakdown:Secondary Electron Resonance Breakdown in Magnetic Fields:The Second Townsend Coefficient; D-C Breakdown@ Space-Charge Effects:The Streamer:Townsend Discharge:Space-Charge-Control1ed Townsend Discharge:The Corona Discharge@ The Geiger-Muller Counter:Current and Voltage Characteristics:The Negative Corona:The Absence of Positive Corona:Glow Discharges@ General Features of the Glow Discharge:Crookes Dark Space and the Cathode Fall of Potential:The Negative Glow:The Positive Column:The Positive Column in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field:The Anode Fall:Steady-State Microwave Discharges@ Comparison of Steady-State and Breakdown Fields:Plasma Resonance:Arc Discharges@ Glow-to-Arc Transition:Arc Classification:Low-Pressure Arcs:High-Pressure Arcs:Metal Arcs: